模糊 WISC-R 响应的审查员评分

时间:2021-06-29 20:56:27
文件名称:模糊 WISC-R 响应的审查员评分
更新时间:2021-06-29 20:56:27
学术 论文 Examiner scoring of ambiguous WISC-R responses EXAMINER SCORING OF AMBIGUOUS WISC-R RESPONSES JEROME M. SATTLER, JOHN R. ANDRES, LISA S. SQUIRE, RICK WISELY, AND CHRISTOPHER F. MALOY San Diego Slate University Fabricated test piotocols were used to study how effective1 examiners agree in scoring ambiguous WISC-R respcnses. Clinical and scxocl psychologists ( N = 62) and giaduate students ( N = 48) scoied WISC-R Similarities, Comprehension, and Vocabulary responses obtained in a gro
