Teacher locus of control and classroom climate: A cross-lagged correlational study

时间:2021-06-29 18:07:48
文件名称:Teacher locus of control and classroom climate: A cross-lagged correlational study
更新时间:2021-06-29 18:07:48
学术 论文 Teacher locus of control and classroom climate: A cross-lagged correlational study Psychology in rhe Schools Volume 20, Oclober, 1983 TEACHER LOCUS OF CONTROL AND CLASSROOM CLIMATE: A CROSS-LAGGED CORRELATIONAL STUDY’ CYRIL J . SADOWSKI Austin Peay State University The Locus of Control Scale for Teachers was given to 13 middle school teachers, and the Origin-Climate Questionnaire was given to 78 of their students. Results indicated a moderate relationship between teachers’ locus o
