
时间:2021-06-24 13:42:44
更新时间:2021-06-24 13:42:44
信号处理 Fatigue analysis is often performed in the time domain, in which all input loading and output stress or strain response are time-based signals. In this case, the response time history can be calculated either by the static stress analysis (or inertia relief method) (Lee et al., 1995) or by the modal transient analysis (Crescimanno and Cavallo, 1999; Vellaichamy, 2002). In the static stress analysis, stress can be obtained by superimposing all stress influences from the applied loads at every time step. In the modal transient analysis, stress can be calculated by using the modal stress and the modal coordinates. The modal transient analysis is recommended if resonant fatigue is of primary concern; that is, the loading frequencies appear closer to the system natural frequencies.
