
时间:2023-02-19 10:50:24
更新时间:2023-02-19 10:50:24
MATH This book is a somewhat revised version of notes from lectures giyen at the University of Lund during three semesters 1986-87. The aim of those lectures was to present the main results then known about global existence or "blowup" of solutions of nonlinear hyperbolic differential equations and propagation of singularities for the solutions. Unfortunately lack of time made it impossible to cover such topics as the equations of fluid dynamics, the methods based on conformal transformations for the study of nonlinear perturbation8 of the wave equation or the Yang-Mills equation, and the propagation of conormal 8ingularities for solriti0118 of nonlinear equation8. When I was offered to publ18h the notes in the series "Mathematique8 & Applications" my first reaction was that now, alm08t ten years later, the li8t of mi&,ing topiC8 would be much longer. However, since the notes have been rather frequently quoted in the literature I finally accepted the offer to pribli8h them after a minor revision which might ma,ke them more useful but still allows identification of references already in the literature. In spite of the revision this book still has the character of lecture notes; it is far less systematic than a monograph and generality i8 often 8acrificed in the interest of lsimplicity.
