文件名称:Wolfendale, S., Bryans, T., Fox, M., Labram, A., & Sigston, A. (1992). The profession and practice of educational psychology. New York: Cassell, 298 pp., [dollar]27.50 (paper)
更新时间:2024-07-19 14:16:44
学术 论文
Wolfendale, S., Bryans, T., Fox, M., Labram, A., & Sigston, A. (1992). The profession and practice of educational psychology. New York: Cassell, 298 pp., [dollar]27.50 (paper) Psychology in the Schools Volume 30, April I993 B O O K R E V I E W S GILBERT R. GREDLER University of South Carolina WOLFENDALE, S., BRYANS, T., Fox, M., LABRAM, A., & SIGSTON, A. (1992). Thepro- fession andpractice of educationalpsychology. New York: Cassell, 298 pp., $27.50 (paper). For years statements