
时间:2021-02-19 00:20:54
更新时间:2021-02-19 00:20:54
C++ CP_CipherSchools:面试问题
----Stacks & Queues()
----Recursion and Backtracking()
--------6 print all permutations of a given string.cpp(758B)
--------2 Generate Parenthesis.cpp(1KB)
--------18 Excel Sheet Column Number.cpp(817B)
--------3 possible combinations of the mobile keyboard .cpp(1KB)
--------7 Rat in a maze.cpp(2KB)
--------13 Restore IP Addresses.cpp(1KB)
--------11 Combinations.cpp(1KB)
--------20 Factorial Trailing Zeroes.cpp(2KB)
--------12 N queen.cpp(1KB)
--------5 Last Non-Zero Digit Factorial.cpp(1KB)
--------17 Unique Paths.cpp(3KB)
--------4 Decode Ways.cpp(3KB)
--------9 Sudoku.cpp(2KB)
--------1 Fib Number and Factorial.cpp(570B)
--------16 Knight Tour.cpp(1KB)
--------10 Subset Sum.cpp(5KB)
--------19 Excel Sheet Column Title.cpp(866B)
--------8 Palindrome Partitioning.cpp(2KB)
--------15 Find Maximum number possible by doing at-most K swaps.cpp(1KB)
--------14 Power Set.cpp(2KB)
----Linked List()
--------7 Sort a link list of 0s, 1s and 2s.cpp(1KB)
--------2 Check If Palindromic Linked List.cpp(913B)
--------6 Merge k Sorted Linked Lists.cpp(754B)
--------4 Detect and remove a loop in the linked list.cpp(975B)
--------3 Add two numbers in the linked list.cpp(1KB)
--------1 Reverse a linked list.cpp(909B)
--------5 Intersection point in the linked list.cpp(867B)
----Searching & Sorting()
--------12 Stock Buy Sell to Maximize Profit.cpp(2KB)
--------9 Kth smallest element.cpp(2KB)
--------18 Merge 3 array.cpp(1KB)
--------15 Largest Sum Contiguous Subarray.cpp(4KB)
--------19 Search an element in a sorted and rotated array.cpp(882B)
--------2 Majority Element.cpp(4KB)
--------6 Segregate 0s and 1s in an array.cpp(1KB)
--------11 Trapping Rain Water.cpp(1KB)
--------7 Sort an array of 0s, 1s and 2s.cpp(2KB)
--------5 Find first and last positions of an element in a sorted array.cpp(3KB)
--------16 Minimum Number of Platforms Required.cpp(4KB)
--------3 Find a peak element.cpp(3KB)
--------14 Kth smallest element in Matrix.cpp(1KB)
--------17 Find the Missing Number.cpp(2KB)
--------20 Sorting & searching.cpp(2KB)
--------13 Spiral Traversal of Matrix.cpp(1KB)
--------10 count inversions in an array.cpp(2KB)
--------4 Search in a row wise and column wise sorted matrix.cpp(3KB)
--------8 Alternative Sorting.cpp(1KB)
--------1 Check if two people starting from different points ever meet.cpp(2KB)
