
时间:2024-02-25 01:12:34




更新时间:2024-02-25 01:12:34

scikit-learn jupyter-notebook pandas python3 data-analysis

Dataquest指导的项目 该存储库是Dataquest.io中我的项目的集合。 以下项目将为我本人和其他感兴趣的人提供参考。 这些项目包含许多评论,这些评论显示了我的思考过程以及我个人从每个项目中学到的知识。 项目1: 探索的概念:列表,字典,函数,循环 使用的函数,方法和属性,open()、. split()、. append(),int() 项目2: 探索的概念:列表理解,日期时间模块,CSV模块 使用的函数,方法和属性:csv.reader()、. items(),list(),datetime.datetime() 项目3: 探索的概念:熊猫,函数,布尔过滤 使用

----Review Project_ Working with Spark Dataframes and Spark SQL in Jupyter()
--------Review Project_ Working with Spark Dataframes and Spark SQL in Jupyter.ipynb(26KB)
----Guided Project_ Working with Data Downloads()
----Guided Project_ Analyzing CIA Factbook Data Using SQLite and Python()
--------Guided Project_ Analyzing CIA Factbook Data Using SQLite and Python.ipynb(57KB)
----Guided Project_ Visualizing Earnings Based On College Majors()
--------Guided Project_ Visualizing Earnings Based On College Majors.ipynb(442KB)
----Guided Project_ Transforming data with Python()
----Guided Project_ Winning Jeopardy()
--------Guided Project_ Winning Jeopardy.ipynb(23KB)
----Guided Project_ Creating relations in SQLite()
--------Guided Project_ Creating relations in SQLite.ipynb(17KB)
----Guided Project_ Predicting House Sale Prices()
--------Guided Project_ Predicting House Sale Prices.ipynb(151KB)
----Guided Project_ Star Wars Survey()
--------Guided Project_ Star Wars Survey.ipynb(102KB)
----Guided Project_ Predicting Bike Rentals()
--------Guided Project_ Predicting Bike Rentals.ipynb(43KB)
----Guided Project_ Investigating Airplane Accidents()
----Guided Project_ Predicting the Stock Market()
----Guided Project_ Predicting Car Prices()
--------Guided Project_ Predicting Car Prices.ipynb(190KB)
----Guided Project_ Exploring Gun Deaths in the US()
--------Guided Project_ Exploring Gun Deaths in the US.ipynb(15KB)
----Guided Project_ Analyzing Thanksgiving Dinner()
--------Guided Project_ Analyzing Thanksgiving Dinner.ipynb(41KB)
----Guided Project_ Preparing data for SQLite()
--------Guided Project_ Preparing data for SQLite.ipynb(47KB)
----Guided Project_ Analyzing NYC High School Data()
--------Guided Project_ Analyzing NYC High School Data.ipynb(213KB)
----Guided Project_ Explore U.S. Births()
--------Guided Project_ Explore U.S. Births.ipynb(12KB)
----Guided Project_ Visualizing The Gender Gap In College Degrees()
--------Guided Project_ Visualizing The Gender Gap In College Degrees.ipynb(158KB)
----Guided Project_ Analyzing Movie Reviews()
--------Guided Project_ Analyzing Movie Reviews.ipynb(69KB)
----Review Project_ Working with Spark in Jupyter Notebook()
--------Review Project_ Working with Spark in Jupyter Notebook.ipynb(11KB)
