更新时间:2017-03-13 12:25:56
Charles 通杀 破解工具
ABOUT CHARLES Charles is a web proxy (HTTP Proxy / HTTP Monitor) that runs on your own computer. Your web browser (or any other Internet application) is then configured to access the Internet through Charles, and Charles is then able to record and display for you all of the data that is sent and received. In Web and Internet development you are unable to see what is being sent and received between your web browser / client and the server. Without this visibility it is difficult and time-consuming to determine exactly where the fault is. Charles makes it easy to see what is happening, so you can quickly diagnose and fix problems. Charles makes debugging quick, reliable and advanced; saving you time and frustration! Charles 是一个HTTP代理服务器,HTTP监视器,反转代理服务器.它允许一个开发者查看所有连接互联网的HTTP通信.这些包括request, response现HTTP headers (包含cookies与caching信息). 软件来自吾爱。Charles也就是俗称的“花瓶”抓包工具。经测试,次破解补丁能破解目前最新的3.83版本。这个只是个破解程序,原软件在Charles官网:http://www.charlesproxy.com/下载。破解支持当前所有平台的所有版本,只要注册授权方式不改变的情况下,理论上支持以后的更新升级版本,更新后使用补丁重新patch下即可。 PS: Windows平台破解方法:安装好软件后,加破解补丁复制到安装目录下的Lib文件夹中,双击运行补丁即可。 Max平台和Linux平台的破解方法,需先安装Charles , 然后自己搜索安装好后的charles.jar的文件, 复制出来在Win平台下用此工具进行破解,破解完成再覆盖回去即可。 Charles在解析AMF数据时是目前同类软件中最强的,做网页游戏辅助必备工具之一。