Pro Android 2

时间:2013-06-13 08:18:37
文件名称:Pro Android 2
更新时间:2013-06-13 08:18:37
iphone Apress, 2010 Pro Android 2 shows you how to build real-world and fun mobile applications using Google’s Android SDK. This book covers everything from the fundamentals of building applications for embedded devices to advanced concepts such as custom 3D components. * Discover the design and architecture of the Android SDK, and how to build mobile applications using the Android SDK. * Explore and use the Android APIs, including those for media and Wi-Fi. * Learn about Android 2.0’s integrated local and web search, handwriting gesture UI, Google Translate, and text-to-speech features. With Android and this book, you’ll be able to build mobile applications ranging from games to Google apps, including add-ons to Google Docs. You’ll be able to extend and run the new Google Chrome APIs on the G1, the G2, and other next-generation Google phones and Android-enabled devices. What you’ll learn * How to use Android to build Java-based mobile applications for Google phones with a touch screen or keyboard (thanks to Cupcake’s inclusion as of Android 1.5) * How to design and architect using Google’s Android SDK * How to use the Android SDK to write mobile applications for embedded devices * How to create 3D graphics with OpenGL and custom components * How to build multimedia and game apps using Android’s Media APIs and OpenGL * How to use Android’s location-based services, networking (Wi-Fi APIs), and security * How to create and allow for more integrated local and web searches * How to build handwriting gesture UIs * How to incorporate Google Translate into your Android applications amazon link:


  • 书很经典,不过是英文的,还是比看中文的要吃力点
  • 英文版,希望有中文版就好了,不过还是谢谢。
  • 讲的还不错吧,初学者可以看看
  • 书还是不错,就是有点老了。
  • 英文版,希望有中文版就好了,不过还是谢谢。
  • 书还是不错,就是有点老了。
  • 不错的一本从入门到精通的书籍。
  • 听说这是android的权威的书
  • 很清晰,感谢楼主分享
  • 讲的比较详细
  • 英文版,谢谢。
  • 不错,只是是英文版的,看的有点费劲。
  • 英文版,不错,谢谢。
  • 算是比较详细,而且英文版的,质量比较有保证 推荐
  • 英文版,谢谢分享
  • Thank you, I learn very much from this book, ex: essential, widget, layout, component lifecycle. Nice job.
