文件名称:Hartlage, Lawrence D. and Lucas, David G. Mental developement evaluation of the pediatric patient. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1973, 92 pp., [dollar]6.50
更新时间:2024-07-19 15:03:05
学术 论文
Hartlage, Lawrence D. and Lucas, David G. Mental developement evaluation of the pediatric patient. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1973, 92 pp., [dollar]6.50 BOOK REVIEWS 243 With an asthmatic attack the mother’s dominance is immediately brought to a stop: “All demands and criticism of the child come to an end; the rival brothers and sisters are a t abeyance and the child and his illness become the pivot of his mother’s attention.” (p. 247). Burton feels that the asthma attack