Localization inWireless Sensor Networks

时间:2014-02-19 04:24:06
文件名称:Localization inWireless Sensor Networks
更新时间:2014-02-19 04:24:06
无线传感器网络 定位 硕士学位论文 Localization in wireless sensor networks is the process of determining the geographical positions of sensors. Only some of the sensors (anchors) in the networks have prior knowledge about their geographical positions. Localization algorithms use the location information of anchors and estimates of distances between neighbouring nodes to determine the positions of the rest of the sensors. In this work, modifications to Ad Hoc Positioning System (APS) [7] [8] are proposed to improve its performance in anisotropic networks. Only selected anchors instead of all anchors are included in the multilateration process. The nearest three anchors that form a convex hull embedding the sensor are used to localize the sensor. A heuristic-based Convex Hull Detection Method (CHDM) is used to detect whether the anchors form a convex hull embedding the sensor. Simulation results suggest that the modifications are considerably more accurate in anisotropic networks than the original APS. The CHDM is also applicable to localization systems based on proximitydistance map (PDM) [20]. The effects of the number and placement of anchors are also investigated. The performance of a PDM-based localization system is severely degraded if anchors are clustered together. A phased approach, MDS+CHDM, is proposed to alleviate the degradation. In the first phase, MDSMAP [11] is used to localize some nodes in the network as it shows less dependence on the numberand placement of anchors. The localized nodes then become secondary anchors. The rest of the sensors are localized by PDM in the second phase. The phased approach is tested by extensive simulations.


  • 是2006年的论文,现在的话参考价值有点低,但还是感谢分享