The AES-CMAC Algorithm

时间:2012-12-12 13:57:39
文件名称:The AES-CMAC Algorithm
更新时间:2012-12-12 13:57:39
AES-CMAC CBC-MAC AES 消息认证码 MAC 详细介绍了AES-CMAC的算法的原理与实现,附有C语言写的样例程序。 以下是原文的introduction: The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has recently specified the Cipher-based Message Authentication Code(CMAC). CMAC [NIST-CMAC] is a keyed hash function that is based on a symmetric key block cipher, such as the Advanced Encryption Standard [NIST-AES]. CMAC is equivalent to the One-Key CBC MAC1 (OMAC1) submitted by Iwata and Kurosawa [OMAC1a, OMAC1b]. OMAC1 is an improvement of the eXtended Cipher Block Chaining mode (XCBC) submitted by Black and Rogaway [XCBCa, XCBCb], which itself is an improvement of the basic Cipher Block Chaining-Message Authentication Code (CBC-MAC). XCBC efficiently addresses the security deficiencies of CBC-MAC, and OMAC1 efficiently reduces the key size of XCBC. AES-CMAC provides stronger assurance of data integrity than a checksum or an error-detecting code. The verification of a checksum or an error-detecting code detects only accidental modifications of the data, while CMAC is designed to detect intentional, unauthorized modifications of the data, as well as accidental modifications. AES-CMAC achieves a security goal similar to that of HMAC [RFC-HMAC]. Since AES-CMAC is based on a symmetric key block cipher, AES, and HMAC is based on a hash function, such as SHA-1, AES-CMAC is appropriate for information systems in which AES is more readily available than a hash function. This memo specifies the authentication algorithm based on CMAC with AES-128. This new authentication algorithm is named AES-CMAC.


  • 找了很久,简单易用。
  • 不错,可以用,很好
  • 文档不错学习了
  • 不错,可以用,很好。
  • 讲的很好,不过确实跑不通
  • 文档不错,可惜程序没跑成功
  • 很好,代码算法很详细,值得学习。
  • 算法很详细,值得学习,可以借鉴
  • 编译不过,缺少AES_128函数
  • 很好,算法很详细,值得学习
  • 有文档说明不错
  • 文档很有用 代码得自己修改才能用
  • 信息安全专业的,用起来还可以哈,很好!
  • 是官方文档,原理写的非常清楚,从中可以画出AES_CMAC的流程图,没有完整的代码实现
  • 官方的文档+官方提供的测试程序。虽然有帮助,但需要这么多分不合理啊。充其量也就是帮助大家免去到官方寻找文档的麻烦。
  • 文档不错,可惜程序没跑成功
  • 可以借鉴 但是没有运行成功
  • 说明的文档很经典,主要还是CMAC的,代码看看就好
  • 老外写的东西,和自己思路就是不一样
  • 比较实用,只是全英文
  • 浅显易懂,而且比较权威,派上大用场了,很好!
  • 就是官方的文档,有的也只是测试程序,不知道为什么还需要资源分
  • 很好用啊,正好完成课程作业
  • 权威说明!非常OK
  • 虽然就是一个文档没有实现,但是文档讲的还是比较详细的。
  • AES是次要的,主要还是讲了CMAC
  • 文档中的内容还是有用的,但是代码只能起到借鉴作用。
  • 是一个文档,附有一段代码,不能直接用
  • 还行吧,CMAC有些地方讲的还是不透彻
  • 哎,跟刚才下的一样,百度文库上也有,不过还是谢谢了