罗兰贝格 2018全球汽车供应商研究报告.pdf

时间:2022-11-24 17:12:23
文件名称:罗兰贝格 2018全球汽车供应商研究报告.pdf
更新时间:2022-11-24 17:12:23
罗兰贝格 汽车供应商 研究报告 The automotive industry has seen a continuation of global growth in 2017 – However, first signs of weakening are visible with softening of growth in China and Europe and a slight volume decline in the US > In this still favorable environment, the global supplier industry is expected to increase its revenues by 3% and maintain its profitability level with an average EBIT margin of ~7% in 2017 – Chinese and NAFTA suppliers are currently more profitable than the global average – Exterior, chassis and tire suppliers are on track to improve their EBIT margin profile in 2017 – Powertrain suppliers continue to see their margins under pressure due to intensified competition and the cost of innovation > For 2018, we expect continued growth for the global supplier base, but at a slower pace with stable EBIT margins > The four automotive megatrends Mobility, Autonomous driving, Digitization and Electrification will continue to change the automotive industry, causing disturbance in all supplier domains – New mobility business models are poised to disrupt car ownership, personal mobility and goods logistics: The share of new vehicle sales for application in the field of new mobility (e.g. ride hailing, car sharing) may range between 10-15% in the US and Europe and up to 35% in China by 2025 – The timeline for level 4/5 autonomous keeps accelerating as necessary economics, regulations and technology fall into place: Penetration rates for autonomous cars (SAE level 4/5) may reach a level between 5% and 26% in ~15-20 years – In digitization, artificial intelligence offers almost limitless possibilities while connectivity-enabled technologies are reaching mainstream application: Within the next 10 years almost all cars in mature markets will have some form of connectivity
