文件名称:Brake, M. (1980). The sociology of youth culture and youth subcultures: Sex and drugs and rock `n' roll? London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 204 pp., [dollar]11.50 (paper)
更新时间:2024-07-19 13:53:35
学术 论文
Brake, M. (1980). The sociology of youth culture and youth subcultures: Sex and drugs and rock `n' roll? London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 204 pp., [dollar]11.50 (paper) 364 Book Reviews The Davis and Rimm text, Education of the Gijted and Talented, is focused differently. These authors step lightly through the early history, but then parade deliberately through program planning, identification, acceleration/enrichment options, and newer topics such as giftedness in the culturally different