Influence of Crystal and Defect Structure on Electrical and Catalytic Properties of Compounds in the System LaACaaCrBTibO3[minus]x

时间:2021-06-29 18:35:58
文件名称:Influence of Crystal and Defect Structure on Electrical and Catalytic Properties of Compounds in the System LaACaaCrBTibO3[minus]x
更新时间:2021-06-29 18:35:58
学术 论文 Influence of Crystal and Defect Structure on Electrical and Catalytic Properties of Compounds in the System LaACaaCrBTibO3[minus]x 1ristallstruktur und Phasenübergänge unter Druck in Erdalkalimetall- subnitriden EA2N (EA � Ca, Sr, Ba) und Erdalkalimetall-hydridnitriden EA2NH (EA � Ca, Ba) Grigori V. Vajeninea, Andrzej Grzechnika, Ingo Loaa, Karl Syassena, Michael Hanflandb, Arndt Simona* aMax-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung, Heisenbergstr. 1, D-70569 Stuttgart bEuropean Synchrotron Rad
