文件名称:flash 开源插件
更新时间:2013-01-13 05:39:20
Added setFlashCallObject and setFlashCallListener methods to support the Flash ExternalInterface.call functionality (requires Flash 9 or greater) - Added callFunction method which can call Flash functions registered with ExternalInterface.addCallback (requires Flash 9 or greater) - Added setVariables method to define loader variables avaiable at Flash movie startup - Added additional installFlash and uninstallFlash methods - Deprecated setVariable, getVariable, addFlashPanelListener, and callFrame methods in favor of using the new ExternalInterface approaches - Added isNativeFlashDisplayed method which indicates if the flash movie is being displayed - Added registerFlash method which registers a Flash.ocx file with Windows for use - Fixed hang issue in getCurrentFrame method - Fixed crash issue in setVariable method - Fixed small memory leak