The Haskell Road to Logic, Maths and Programming

时间:2011-12-25 08:39:51
文件名称:The Haskell Road to Logic, Maths and Programming
更新时间:2011-12-25 08:39:51
Haskell Want to learn discrete math as in the non-calculus version of Math 101? Willing to work hard to learn it? Then this is the book for you! It is written in a user friendly style. The book has a chatty tone when explaining serious topics. The chat is the talk of experts, however, so it should never be underestimated. The book will teach you the functional programming language Haskell. This language is the most modern version of the Lisp family to have received any significant attention. It features advanced type features and lazy evaluation. The book covers all the "classic" topics of a discrete math course, to a considerable depth. Best of all, they are all implemented in Haskell. All except for the predicate calculus, that is. It would be a major piece of work indeed to have any implementation of this topic in a work at this level! The book teaches logic by example. One is taught the meaning, the rules and the insider's "recipes" of mathematical proofs. The book then covers the standard topics of sets, relations, functions, and induction / recursion with impressive computer implementations. The book goes on to a quick overview of the construction of the number systems of mathematics. It proceeds to a substantial treatment of combinatorics in a short space which includes implementation of polynomial solutions to recursion relations. Then it is on to corecursion, power series, and a hint of domain theory. The book ends with a modern chapter on the elements of set theory. All in all an excellent book! IMHO it is the best book out there on the topics in a discrete math course. It is amazing that all of this (except the serious parts of logic) could be implemented in Haskell so successfully. The one caveat about the book is that if you want to benefit fully from it, you are going to have to do some hard work.


  • 一本好书, 适合于倾向数学抽象思维的程序员
  • 不错的一本书,入门够了。
  • haskell,高度抽象的语言, 提高开发效率
  • 自了解了Haskell的思维方式才喜欢上编程的。
  • 清晰,有深度!谢谢分享