A computational model for developing semantic web-based educational systems

时间:2015-10-14 09:45:11
文件名称:A computational model for developing semantic web-based educational systems
更新时间:2015-10-14 09:45:11
语义网 教育 模型 Recently, some initiatives to start the so-called semantic web-based educational systems (SWBES) have emerged in the field of artificial intelligence in education (AIED). The main idea is to incorporate semantic web resources to the design of AIED systems aiming to update their architectures to provide more adapt-ability, robustness and richer learning environments. However, the construction of such systems is highly complex and faces several challenges in terms of software engineering and artificial intelligence aspects. This paper presents a computational model for developing SWBES focusing on the problem of how to make the development easier and more useful for both developers and authors. In order to illustrate the features of the proposed model, a case study is presented. Furthermore, a discussion about the results regarding the computational model construction is available
