Distributed Web Services

时间:2009-03-15 09:17:44
文件名称:Distributed Web Services
更新时间:2009-03-15 09:17:44
网页制作 Web services consist of modular software components that worktogether using Internet communication protocols. Because theyrely on standards-based protocols, Web services enable businessesto break down barriers between businesses, customers, partners,warehoused data, incompatible languages and proprietary equipment.In a distributed Web services architecture, tasks are spreadacross networked rich clients. Distributed Web services rely onrich clients, rather than servers, to handle a large share of theprocessing workload. By distributing processing to rich-clientmachines, users can do more in less time. Rich clients createa user-centric computing environment that integrates multipleapplications running on various operating systems behind thecorporate firewall. Distributed Web services also connect businessprocesses to virtually any machine beyond the corporate firewall.
