
时间:2013-12-30 04:03:42
更新时间:2013-12-30 04:03:42
数据仓库 数据挖掘 趋势 对策 Evolving Application Domains of Data Warehousing and Mining: Trends and Solutions Pedro Nuno San-Bento Furtado University of Coimbra, Portugal English version Contents Chapter 1 Data Warehouse Architectures: Practices and Trends Chapter 2 Improving Expressive Power in Modeling Data Warehouse and OLAP Applications Chapter 3 From Conventional to Multiversion Data Warehouse: Practical Issue Chapter 4 Compression Schemes of High Dimensional Data for MOLAP Chapter 5 View Management Techniques and Their Application to Data Stream Management Chapter 6 A Framework for Data Warehousing and Mining in Sensor Stream Application Domains Chapter 7 A Data Warehousing Approach for Genomics Data Meta-Analysis Chapter 8 A Multidimensional Model for Correct Aggregation of Geographic Measures Chapter 9 Novel Trends in Clustering Chapter 10 Recent Advances of Exception Mining in Stock Market Chapter 11 Analysis of Content Popularity in Social Bookmarking Systems Chapter 12 Using Data Mining Techniques to Probe the Role of Hydrophobic Residues in Protein Folding and Unfolding Simulations Chapter 13 A Geostatistically Based Probabilistic Risk Assessment Approach


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