文件名称:Database system Design
更新时间:2018-04-05 16:44:48
美国数据库教材, An eleventh edition is a milestone that few textbooks achieve.We wrote the first edition of this book because we wanted to explain the complexity of database systems in a language that was easy for students to understand. Over the years, we have maintained this emphasis on reaching out to students to explain complex concepts in a practical, approachable manner. This book has been successful through ten editions because the authors, editors, and the pub- lisher paid attention to the impact of technology and to adopter questions and suggestions.We believe that this eleventh edition successfully reflects the same attention to such factors. In many respects, rewriting a book is more difficult than writing it the first time. If the book is successful, as this one is, a major concern is that the updates, inserts, and deletions will adversely affect writing style and continuity of coverage. The combination of superb reviewers and editors, plus a wealth of feedback from adopters and students of the previous editions, helped make this new edition the best yet.