Natural Image Statistics

时间:2017-12-08 09:00:17
文件名称:Natural Image Statistics
更新时间:2017-12-08 09:00:17
计算机视觉; A Probabilistic Approach to Early Computational Vision 一本介绍计算机视觉的好书! This book is both an introductory textbook and a research monograph on modeling the statistical structure of natural images. In very simple terms, “natural images” are photographs of the typical environment where we live. In this book, their statistical structure is described using a number of statistical models whose parameters are estimated from image samples. Our main motivation for exploring natural image statistics is computational modeling of biological visual systems. A theoretical framework which is gaining more and more support considers the properties of the visual system to be reflections of the statistical structure of natural images because of evolutionary adaptation processes. Another motivation for natural image statistics research is in computer science and engineering, where it helps in development of better image processing and computer vision methods.


  • 经过别人介绍过来下载的 应该是比较经典的一本书
  • 经过别人介绍过来下载的 应该是比较经典的一本书
  • 统计学用于图像处理,值得学习。
  • 不错的神书,讲的很细而且给人新的视野!!!
  • 这个资源很不错,感谢分享