A comparison of first-year, fifth-year, and former teachers on efficacy, ego development, and problem solving

时间:2021-06-29 20:04:06
文件名称:A comparison of first-year, fifth-year, and former teachers on efficacy, ego development, and problem solving
更新时间:2021-06-29 20:04:06
学术 论文 A comparison of first-year, fifth-year, and former teachers on efficacy, ego development, and problem solving Psychology in rhe Schools Volume 19, Ocrober. 1982 A COMPARISON OF FIRST-YEAR, FIFTH-YEAR, AND FORMER TEACHERS ON EFFICACY, EGO DEVELOPMENT, AND PROBLEM SOLVING’ C A R L D. GLICKMAN University of Georgia ROY T. TAMASHIRO Webster College Differences in first-year (N=50), fifth-year (N=49) and former ( N = 3 0 ) teachers on measures of efficacy, ego development, and pro
