更新时间:2024-07-19 20:18:56
leetcode 和 oj 我的Leetcode 开始在 Leetcode OJ 上工作,这是我使用 xcode 的解决方案。
--------10 Regular Expression Matching.cpp(2KB)
--------8 String to Integer (atoi).cpp(2KB)
--------321 Create Maximum Number.cpp(1KB)
--------437 Path Sum III.cpp(3KB)
--------295 Find Median from Data Stream.cpp(3KB)
--------76 Minimum Window Substring.cpp(7KB)
--------337 House Robber III.cpp(959B)
--------167 Two Sum II - Input array is sorted.cpp(1KB)
--------57 Insert Interval.cpp(2KB)
--------421 Maximum XOR of Two Numbers in an Array.cpp(2KB)
--------5 Longest Palindromic Substring.cpp(2KB)
--------331 Verify Preorder Serialization of a Binary Tree.cpp(988B)
--------475 Heaters.cpp(1000B)
--------473 Matchsticks to Square.cpp(428B)
--------460 LFU Cache.cpp(501B)
--------3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters.cpp(2KB)
--------392 Is Subsequence.cpp(298B)
--------290 Word Pattern.cpp(2KB)
--------391 Perfect Rectangle.cpp(2KB)
--------2 Add Two Numbers.cpp(957B)
--------142 Linked List Cycle II.cpp(1KB)
--------135 Candy.cpp(3KB)
--------15 3Sum.cpp(292B)
--------9 Palindrome Number.cpp(437B)
--------230 Kth Smallest Element in a BST.cpp(1KB)
--------6 ZigZag Conversion.cpp(2KB)
--------91 Decode Ways.cpp(1009B)
--------466 Count The Repetitions.cpp(1KB)
--------207 Course Schedule.cpp(2KB)
--------240 Search a 2D Matrix II.cpp(2KB)
--------206 Reverse Linked List.cpp(508B)
--------43 Multiply Strings.cpp(317B)
--------25 Reverse Nodes in k-Group.cpp(2KB)
--------347 Top K Frequent Elements.cpp(2KB)
--------284 Peeking Iterator.cpp(2KB)
--------387 First Unique Character in a String.cpp(879B)
--------62 Unique Paths.cpp(839B)
--------33 Search in Rotated Sorted Array.cpp(2KB)
--------212 Word Search II.cpp(4KB)
--------59 Spiral Matrix II.cpp(1KB)
--------101 Symmetric Tree.cpp(722B)
--------11 Container With Most Water.cpp(2KB)
--------152 Maximum Product Subarray.cpp(1021B)
--------13 Roman to Integer.cpp(1KB)
--------190 Reverse Bits.cpp(646B)
--------214 Shortest Palindrome.cpp(1KB)
--------289 Game of Life.cpp(2KB)
--------82 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II.cpp(1KB)
--------458 Poor Pigs.cpp(1KB)
--------71 Simplify Path.cpp(1KB)
--------14 Longest Common Prefix.cpp(1KB)
--------226 Invert Binary Tree.cpp(491B)
--------31 Next Permutation.cpp(730B)
--------4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays.cpp(2KB)
--------433 Minimum Genetic Mutation.cpp(486B)
--------179 Largest Number.cpp(2KB)
--------68 Text Justification.cpp(3KB)
--------1 Two Sum.cpp(605B)
--------7 Reverse Integer.cpp(732B)
--------12 Integer to Roman.cpp(1KB)
--------389 Find the Difference.cpp(715B)
--------140 Word Break II.cpp(4KB)
--------95 Unique Binary Search Trees II.cpp(2KB)
--------368 Largest Divisible Subset.cpp(2KB)
--------309 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown.cpp(1KB)
--------123 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III.cpp(3KB)
--------22 Generate Parentheses.cpp(629B)
--------98 Validate Binary Search Tree.cpp(737B)
--------188 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV.cpp(3KB)
--------85 Maximal Rectangle.cpp(3KB)
--------46 Permutations.cpp(438B)
--------211 Add and Search Word - Data structure design.cpp(4KB)
--------383 Ransom Note.cpp(726B)
--------26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array.cpp(655B)