
时间:2016-02-03 15:47:46
更新时间:2016-02-03 15:47:46
移动代理 开源项目 学术研究 This document This document contains some information about MUM and SOMA installation, and it is organized as follows: Needed software; Base software installation; Ant, MUM and SOMA installation. Directory tree. Needed software Before starting the installation you must download the following software: Java Software Development Kit (JSDK) Standard Edition 1.3.0 or following (I'm actually using version 1.4.1). You can download the JSDK from JSDK SE on the Sun site. Java Media Framework (JMF) 2.1.1e, you can download the Cross Platform version or the Performance Pack version for your operating system (there are available versions for Windows, Linux and Solaris OSs). We recommend to use the Performance Pack version when possible as it is more performing. You can download the JMF from JMF home page on Sun site. Base software installation For the installation of the base code follow these steps: Install the JSDK, information for the installation process can be found in the JSK SE home; Install the JMF, information for the installation process can be found in the JMF home; Let's call JMF2.1.1 the installation directory of the JMF and JSDK the installation directory of the JSDK. Copy there files: ./JMF2.1.1/lib/jmf.jar ./JMF2.1.1/lib/sound.jar to the directory: ./JSDK/jre/lib/ext. Note: these jar files contain the JMF classes used by the virtual machine at the runtime. Ant, MUM and SOMA installation Unzip the zip file you downloaded (this readme is part of that zip) to your work directory. A version of Ant, the build tool used to build and distribute the MUM project, can be downloaded here. Install Ant on your desktop. Change the setupMUM batch file so that the absolute paths to the Ant home and JSDK are correct. Now you have finished the installation and you can launch the system! First launch exec the setupMUM batch file. To run the middleware from the console digit: ant run. To compile the middleware from the console digit: ant run. To delete the MUM .class files digit: ant clean. clean. To docuement the MUM middleware digit: ant javadocs. Notes To use the prototype there must be at least one video presentation, and register it to the middleware. Therefore we included a presentation in this distribution that is To register the presentation: Run the middleware: "ant run" ; Open the window of the SOMA place where you want to register the presentation; Launch from that place the RegisterPresentationAgent and fill in the fields as required. Directory tree When you unzip the distribution this is the directory tree: MUM: contains this readme.htm and the batch files setupMUM.bat and lib: contains some useful jars .jar used to compile the project Ant. src contains SOMA and MUM. agents: contains the source code of the Mobile Agents (the mobile part of the MUM middleware). MUM: this is the root directory of the MUM project. You can find here all the source code of MUM middleware. SOMA: contains the SOMA middleware source code. filmati: contains the presentation docs: contains the project documentation. The most recent API documentation is also available at this link: docs. META-INF: contains the .manifest file to automacally produce a jar file of the whole project. logsProps: contains the rules for logging with log4j. repositories: contains the DB used to store some info used for the prototype execution.
