The reinforcement hierarchy

时间:2024-07-19 10:00:41

文件名称:The reinforcement hierarchy



更新时间:2024-07-19 10:00:41

学术 论文

168 GERALD R. ADAMS LOVAAS0, . I. Effect of exposure to symbolic aggression on aggressive behavior. Child Development, 1961. 32. 374. , , LOVAAS0,. I., SCHAEFFERB,. , & SIMMONJS., 1 Building social behavior in autistic children by use of electric shock. Journal of Experimental esearch in Personality, 1965, 1, 99-109. MILLER,N . E. The frustration-aggression hypothesis. Psychological Reuiew, 1941, 48, 337-342. MORRISV, . C. Philosophy and the American schools. Boston: Houghton-Miffl
