更新时间:2010-11-03 14:44:19
sFileName = "alter_manage.asp"
tableName = "C_alter"
tableName2 = "product"
action = Trim(Request.QueryString("action"))
Select Case action
case ""
Call ShowContent()
case "add"
Call add()
case "addsave"
Call addsave()
case "modify"
Call modify()
case "modifysave"
Call modifysave()
case "delall"
Call delall()
End Select
Sub ShowContent()
Call gRsClose()
sSql = "select * from view_alter"
oRs.Open sSql,oConn,1,1
Call gRsClose()
End Sub
Sub add()
End Sub
Sub addsave()
a_classid = GetSafeStr(Trim(Request.Form("a_classid")))
a_name = GetSafeStr(Trim(Request.Form("a_name")))
a_detail = GetSafeStr(Trim(Request.Form("a_detail")))
a_type = GetSafeStr(Trim(Request.Form("a_type")))
a_regtime = now()
eSql = "select * from syscolumns where id=object_id('"& tableName2 &"') and name='"& a_name &"'"
Call gRsClose()
oRs.Open eSql,oConn,1,3
if not oRs.EOF then
Call ErrorMsg(sFileName,"主表中字段已经存在在,三秒后返回",1)
end if
Call gRsClose()
sSql = "select * from "& tableName &" where 1=1"
Call gRsClose()
oRs.Open sSql,oConn,1,3
oRs("a_classid") = a_classid
oRs("a_name") = a_name
oRs("a_detail") = a_detail
oRs("a_type") = a_type
oRs("a_regtime") = a_regtime
oConn.Execute("ALTER TABLE "& tableName2 &" ADD "& a_name &" "& a_type &"")
Call ErrorMsg(sFileName,"添加字段成功,三秒后返回",1)
Call gRsClose()
End Sub
Sub modify()
Call gRsClose()
a_id = Trim(Request.QueryString("a_id"))
sSql = "select * from view_alter where a_id = "& a_id
oRs.Open sSql,oConn,1,1
If not oRs.eof and not oRs.bof Then
a_classid = oRs("a_classid")
a_name = oRs("a_name")
a_detail = oRs("a_detail")
a_type = oRs("a_type")
End If
Call gRsClose()
End Sub
Sub modifysave()
a_classid = GetSafeStr(Trim(Request.Form("a_classid")))
a_name = GetSafeStr(Trim(Request.Form("a_name")))
a_detail = GetSafeStr(Trim(Request.Form("a_detail")))
a_type = GetSafeStr(Trim(Request.Form("a_type")))
a_regtime = now()
a_id = Trim(Request.QueryString("a_id"))
sSql = "select * from "& tableName &" where a_id = "& a_id
Call gRsClose()
oRs.Open sSql,oConn,1,3
aname = oRs("a_name")
atype = oRs("a_type")
on error resume next
oRs("a_classid") = a_classid
set rs1=oConn.Execute("select 1 from syscolumns where id=object_id('"& tableName2 &"') and name='"& a_name &"'")
If rs1.eof and rs1.bof Then
oRs("a_name") = a_name
End If
oRs("a_detail") = a_detail
oRs("a_type") = a_type
If a_name<>aname Then
oConn.Execute("if not exists(select 1 from syscolumns where id=object_id('"& tableName2 &"') and name='"& a_name &"') EXEC sp_rename '"& tableName2 &".["& aname &"]', '"& a_name &"', 'COLUMN'")
End If
If a_type<>atype Then
oConn.Execute("ALTER TABLE "& tableName2 &" ALTER COLUMN "& a_name &" "& a_type &"")
End If
Call ErrorMsg(sFileName,"修改字段成功,三秒后返回",1)
Call gRsClose()
End Sub
Sub delall()
checkzi = Trim(Request("checkzi"))
If checkzi <> "" Then
Dim z1
z1 = tableName
Dim temp_id,last_id
temp_id = Split(Request("checkzi"),",")
For i=0 To UBound(temp_id)
last_id = last_id & Trim(temp_id(i)) & ","
last_id = Left(last_id,Len(last_id)-1)
last_id = last_id & ")"
sSql = "select a_name from "& z1 &" where a_id in " & last_id
Call gRsClose()
oRs.Open sSql,oConn,1,1
dim a_names
a_names = ""
do while not oRs.eof and not oRs.bof
If jj <> oRs.recordcount Then
a_names = a_names & oRs("a_name") &","
a_names = a_names & oRs("a_name")
End If
jj = jj + 1
Call gRsClose()
a_name = Split(a_names,",")
for i=0 to Ubound(a_name)
oConn.Execute("ALTER TABLE "& tableName2 &" DROP COLUMN "& a_name(i) &"")
sSql = "delete from " & z1 & " where a_id in " & last_id
Call ErrorMsg(sFileName,"成功删除所选记录,三秒后将返回……",1)
End If
End Sub