Multiple scattering in solids.pdf

时间:2013-04-08 07:33:02

文件名称:Multiple scattering in solids.pdf



更新时间:2013-04-08 07:33:02

Muliple-scattering-theory muffin-tin-potentials partial-wave electronic-structure-of-materials

A description of general techniques for solving linear partial differential equations by dividing space into regions to which the equations are independently applied and then assembling a global solution from the partial ones. Intended for researchers and graduates involved in calculations of the electronic structure of materials, this will also be of interest to workers in quantum chemistry, electron microscopy, acoustics, optics, and other fields. The book begins with an intuitive approach to scattering theory and then turns to partial waves and a formal development of multiple scattering theory, with applications to the solid state. The authors then present a variational derivation of the formalism and an augmented version of the theory, concluding with a discussion of the relativistic formalism and a discussion of the Poisson equation. Appendices discuss Green's functions, spherical functions, Moller operators and the Lippmann-Schwinger equation, irregular solutions, and singularities in Green's functions.


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