Cyber Weapons Threat Matrix

时间:2015-02-18 19:43:33
文件名称:Cyber Weapons Threat Matrix
更新时间:2015-02-18 19:43:33
Cyber Security 赛博武器分类及威胁评估 With 120 countries now in the cyber arms race, intelligence agencies around the world are working to assess their offensive and defensive cyber capabilities. Developing cyber weapons does not require the massive infrastructure usually associated with conventional arms. A couple of PCs and a couple of smart programmers and you have all you need to create a cyber weapon. Advanced Cyber Weapons have unique capabilities that make their detection and elimination much more difficult than conventional viruses and *s of years gone by. As with the conventional arms race, countries with significant defense spending have taken the lead in the cyber arms race. But that trend is rapidly changing. In the past few years malicious code with advanced features has been created for under $3,500 USD. We are beginning to see the emergence of cyber arms dealers. The cost of cyber weapons are in range of poor and developing countries. For these reasons the Technolytics Institute in conjunction with Intelomics and Spy‐Ops have worked together and create the following Cyber Weapons Threat Matrix.
