
时间:2017-10-27 14:31:19
更新时间:2017-10-27 14:31:19
飞思卡尔AD AD模块的飞思卡尔调试程序全部文件: #include /* common defines and macros */ #include "derivative.h" /* derivative-specific definitions */ int i; unsigned char RX_ID[4],RX_DS[8]; unsigned int r[8]; unsigned int temp[2],s; void setbusclock(void) { CLKSEL=0X00; // disengage PLL to system PLLCTL_PLLON=1; // turn on PLL SYNR=0x01; // VCOFRQ[7:6];SYNDIV[5:0] // fVCO= 2*fOSC*(SYNDIV + 1)/(REFDIV + 1) // fPLL= fVCO/(2 × POSTDIV) // fBUS= fPLL/2 // VCOCLK Frequency Ranges VCOFRQ[7:6] // 32MHz <= fVCO <= 48MHz 00 // 48MHz < fVCO <= 80MHz 01 // Reserved 10 // 80MHz < fVCO <= 120MHz 11 REFDV=0x01; // REFFRQ[7:6];REFDIV[5:0] // fREF=fOSC/(REFDIV + 1) // REFCLK Frequency Ranges REFFRQ[7:6] // 1MHz <= fREF <= 2MHz 00 // 2MHz < fREF <= 6MHz 01 // 6MHz < fREF <= 12MHz 10 // fREF > 12MHz 11 // pllclock=2*osc*(1+SYNR)/(1+REFDV)=32MHz; POSTDIV=0x00; // 4:0, fPLL= fVCO/(2xPOSTDIV) // If POSTDIV = $00 then fPLL is identical to fVCO (divide by one). _asm(nop); // BUS CLOCK=16M _asm(nop); while(!(CRGFLG_LOCK==1)); //when pll is steady ,then use it; CLKSEL_PLLSEL =1; //engage PLL to system 分频; } //[设置总线时钟频率为16MHZ] ; // void ATDInit(void) { ATD0CTL2=0x42; // ATD启动,禁止外部触发,允许ATD中断; ATD0CTL3=0x88; // 背景调试模式下继续转换,每1次转换一个转换序列,继续转换; ATD0CTL4=0x01; // 采样时间为 2个时钟周期,转化按10位进行,总分频系数为8; ATD0CTL5=0x20; // 数据右对齐,无符号,单通道采集, } //[AD进行初始化];
