DevOps+with+Kubernetes-Packt+Publishing(2017).pdf )

时间:2021-03-14 16:54:48
文件名称:DevOps+with+Kubernetes-Packt+Publishing(2017).pdf )
更新时间:2021-03-14 16:54:48
DevOps Kubernetes Chapter 1, Introduction to DevOps, walks you through the evolution from the past to what we call DevOps today and the tools that you should know. Demand for people with DevOps skills has been growing rapidly over the last few years. It has accelerated software development and delivery speed and has also helped business agility. Chapter 2, DevOps with Container, helps you learn the fundamentals and container orchestration. With the trend of microservices, container has been a handy and essential tool for every DevOps because of its language agnostic isolation. Chapter 3, Getting Started with Kubernetes, explores the key components and API objects in Kubernetes and how to deploy and manage containers in a Kubernetes cluster. Kubernetes eases the pain of container orchestration with a lot of killer features, such as container scaling, mounting storage systems, and service discovery. Chapter 4, Working with Storage and Resources, describes volume management and also explains CPU and memory management in Kubernetes. Container storage management can be hard in a cluster. Chapter 5, Network and Security, explains how to allow inbound connection to access Kubernetes services and how default networking works in Kubernetes. External access to our services is necessary for business needs. Chapter 6, Monitoring and Logging, shows you how to monitor a resource's usage at application, container, and node level using Prometheus. This chapter also shows how to collect logs from your applications, as well as Kubernetes with Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana stack. Ensuring a service is up and healthy is one of the major responsibilities of DevOps. Chapter 7, Continuous Delivery, explains how to build a Continuous Delivery pipeline with GitHub/DockerHub/TravisCI. It also explains how to manage updates, eliminate the potential impact when doing rolling updates, and prevent possible failure. Continuous Delivery is an approach to speed up your time-to-market. Chapter 8, Cluster Administration, describes how to solve the preceding problems with the Kubernetes namespace and ResourceQuota and how to do access control in Kubernetes. Setting up administrative boundaries and access control to Kubernetes cluster are crucial to DevOps. Chapter 9, Kubernetes on AWS, explains AWS components and shows how to provision Kubernetes on AWS. AWS is the most popular public cloud. It brings the infrastructure agility and flexibility to our world. Chapter 10, Kubernetes on GCP, helps you understand the difference between GCP and AWS, and the benefit of running containerized applications in hosted service from Kubernetes’ perspective. Google Container Engine in GCP is a managed environment for Kubernetes. Chapter 11, What’s Next?, introduces other similar technologies, such as Docker Swarm mode, Amazon ECS, and Apache Mesos and you’ll have an understanding of which the best approach is for your business. Kubernetes is open. This chapter will teach you how to get in touch with Kubernetes community to learn ideas from others.
