
时间:2017-09-24 12:02:57
更新时间:2017-09-24 12:02:57
Stardict 词库 英汉 汉英 安装说明: 安装说明: 1:sudo apt-get install stardict 2:全部解压到temp文件夹中 3:sudo mv temp/* /usr/share/stardict/dic 3:重启星际译王 包含的词库zh_CN 简体中文词典.html中所有汉语+英汉词库 cdict-gb dictionary(en - zh_CN) tarbal GPL, 4.5M, 57510 words stardict1.3 dictionary(en - zh_CN) tarbal GPL, 1.1M, 51214 words Sun Dict(en - zh_CN) tarbal GPL, 1M, 33042 words xdict-ec-gb dictionary(en - zh_CN) tarbal GPL, 3.6M, 177817 words xdict-ce-gb dictionary(zh_CN - en) tarbal GPL, 2.4M, 160995 words. cedict-gb dictionary(zh_CN - en) tarbal CEDICT LICENCE, 0.7M, 31200 words. 推荐! langdao-ec-gb dictionary(en - zh_CN) 朗道英汉字典 tarbal GPL, 9.1M, 435468 words. 推荐! langdao-ce-gb dictionary(zh_CN - en) 朗道汉英字典 tarbal GPL, 7.8M, 405719 words. 推荐! lazyworm-ec dictionary(en - zh_CN) 懒虫简明英汉词典 tarbal GPL, 10M, 452185 words. lazyworm-ce dictionary(zh_CN - en) 懒虫简明汉英词典 tarbal GPL, 1.7M, 119592 words. 新华字典 tarbal GPL, 8.9M, 74025 words. ProECCE dictionary 英汉汉英专业词典 tarbal GPL, 8.6M, 571998 words. Hanzi Master (zh_CN - en) tarbal GPL, 427K, 25992 words XiangYa Medical dictionary 湘雅医学专业词典 tarbal GPL, 28M, 1479322 words Advance Chinese big dictionary (zh_CN - zh_CN) 高级汉语大词典 tarbal GPL, 6.3M, 51675 words Advance Chinese big dictionary (zh_CN - zh_CN) 高级汉语大词典(修正版) tarbal GPL, 6.3M, 51675 words International standard Chinese big dictionary (zh_CN - zh_CN) 国际标准汉字大辞典 tarbal GPL, 1.5M, 45053 words Chinese idiom dictionary (zh_CN - zh_CN) 汉语成语词典 tarbal GPL, 2M, 24702 words Chinese idiom dictionary (zh_CN - zh_CN) 汉语成语词典(修正版) tarbal GPL, 1.9M, 13001 words 汉语成语词典(美化版) tarbal GPL, 2.8M, 13305 words Modern Chinese dictionary (zh_CN - zh_CN) 现代汉语词典 tarbal GPL, 3.3M, 57643 words Modern Chinese dictionary (zh_CN - zh_CN) 现代汉语词典(修正版) tarbal GPL, 3.2M, 57691 words 21 century bidirectional dictionary 21世纪英汉汉英双向词典 tarbal GPL, 13M, 213723 words quick_eng-zh_CN 英汉专业词典 tarball GPL, 10.7M, 634008 words 21 century bidirectional science and technology dictionary 21世纪双语科技词典 tarball GPL, 15M, 809486 words ncce-ec 新世纪英汉科技大词典 tarbal Free to use, 10.4M, 626953 words ncce-ce 新世纪汉英科技大词典 tarbal Free to use, 10.6M, 621241 words kdic-ec-11w(en - zh_CN) KDic11万英汉词典
----zh_CN 简体中文词典.html(28KB)


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