Moving beyond finite element method

时间:2013-03-29 18:18:55

文件名称:Moving beyond finite element method



更新时间:2013-03-29 18:18:55


Review This book addresses some of the current important issues, both positive and negative, related to MFree methods, which should prove beneficial to researchers, engineers, and students who are interested in venturing into this area of research. This book provides systematic steps that lead the reader to understand mesh free methods; how they work; how to use and develop a mesh free method, as well as … the problems associated with element free methods. … This is the first book published that comprehensively covers MFree methods.

EngBook Moving beyond finite element method
----Moving beyond the Finite Element Method .txt(20KB)
----Mesh Free Methods - Moving Beyond the Finite Element Method.djvu(4.91MB)
