文件名称:使用Swift开发iOS-11-Apps:斯坦福公开课,使用Swift开发iOS 11 App
更新时间:2024-02-24 11:01:23
swift translations ios translation itunes
使用Swift开发iOS-11-Apps:斯坦福公开课,使用Swift开发iOS 11 App
--------Friday Session 1. Debugging and Xcode Tips and Tricks.srt(57KB)
--------11. Drag and Drop, Table View, and Collection View.srt(136KB)
--------10. Multithreading and Autolayout.srt(125KB)
--------14. Persistence and Documents Demo.srt(127KB)
--------17. Core Motion and Camera.srt(124KB)
--------1. Introduction to iOS 11, Xcode 9 and Swift 4.srt(211KB)
--------7. Multiple MVCs, Timer, and Animation.srt(128KB)
--------Friday Session 3. Instruments.srt(54KB)
--------16. More Segues.srt(117KB)
--------8. Animation.srt(141KB)
--------6. Multitouch.srt(133KB)
--------3. Swift Programming Language.srt(215KB)
--------Friday Session 2. Github and Source Control Workflow.srt(25KB)
--------15. Alerts, Notifications, Application Lifecycle.srt(134KB)
--------13. Persistence and Documents.srt(123KB)
--------12. Drag and Drop, Table View, Collection View, and Text Field.srt(117KB)
--------9. View Controller Lifecycle and Scroll View.srt(121KB)
--------5. Drawing.srt(203KB)
--------2. MVC.srt(177KB)
--------4. More Swift.srt(206KB)