Programming in Scala, 2nd Edition

时间:2014-04-23 14:43:20
文件名称:Programming in Scala, 2nd Edition
更新时间:2014-04-23 14:43:20
scala,program Programming in Scala, 2nd Edition A comprehensive step-by-step guide by Martin Odersky, Lex Spoon, and Bill Venners This book is the authoritative tutorial on the Scala programming language, co-written by the language's designer, Martin Odersky. This second edition provides more than 100 pages of new material that covers new features in Scala 2.8, including: The design of the new collections library Structural subtyping The new rules for implicits Package objects Chained package clauses Named and default parameters The copy method on case classes This and book is completed and currently in production. The paper book will be available in early January, 2011. The final PDF eBook is available now. You can currently purchase just the PDF eBook for $29.95, or the PDF + Paper Book combo for $69.95. If you purchase the combo, we'll ship you the paper book when it is published, on or around . (Once the book has been printed, you'll be able to purchase just the paper book here for $54.95.) If you purchase the PDF eBook or combo, you will be entitled to receive periodic updates as errata are fixed, for no additional charge.
Programming in Scala, 2nd Edition.pdf


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  • 很清晰的英文原版,for scala 2.8 ,可惜书中代码在当前 scala 2.11 是不能直接运行的,可能是 scala 语法进化得太快了.
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  • Good book. Thanks a lot for this 2nd version.
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