Electronic Principles 8th

时间:2019-03-29 17:50:27
文件名称:Electronic Principles 8th
更新时间:2019-03-29 17:50:27
Electronic Principles 8th Electronic Principles, eighth edition, continues its tradition as a clearly explained, in-depth introduction to electronic semiconductor devices and circuits. This text- book is intended for students who are taking their fi rst course in linear electronics. The prerequisites are a dc/ac circuits course, algebra, and some trigonometry. Electronic Principles provides essential understanding of semiconductor device characteristics, testing, and the practical circuits in which they are found. The text provides clearly explained concepts—written in an easy-to-read conver- sational style—establishing the foundation needed to understand the operation and troubleshooting of electronic systems. Practical circuit examples, applica- tions, and troubleshooting exercises are found throughout the chapters.


  • 非常简明的模拟电子学教材。
  • 非常经典的电子学教材,通俗易懂。而且不是扫描版,很清晰。