Test-Driven JavaScript Development

时间:2014-12-06 05:21:43
文件名称:Test-Driven JavaScript Development
更新时间:2014-12-06 05:21:43
test-driven javascript This book is about programming JavaScript for the real world, using the techniques and workflow suggested by Test-Driven Development. It is about gaining confidence in your code through test coverage, and gaining the ability to fearlessly refactor and organically evolve your code base. It is about writing modular and testable code. It is about writing JavaScript that works in a wide variety of environments and that doesn’t get in your user’s way.


  • 很好的一本书
  • 前端的测试一直是个问题 这本书有很好的指导作用
  • 测试驱动开发方面的书都很好,谢谢楼主分享。国人写不出这样的书来
  • 资源很赞,看了很有帮助
  • 这本书听说讲的不错
  • JavaScript测试驱动的开发,应该好好读的一本书!!