滤波器设计软件FilterLab v2.0

时间:2012-04-12 07:10:58

文件名称:滤波器设计软件FilterLab v2.0



更新时间:2012-04-12 07:10:58


滤波器设计软件FilterLab v2.0 Release Notes for FilterLab v2.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents ----------------------------------------------------------------- * What's New in v2.00 * How to Contact Microchip ------------------------------------------------------------ What's New in v2.00 ------------------------------------------------------------ Highpass Butterworth Salen-Key Filters Highpass Chebychev Salen-Key Filters Bandpass Butterworth Multiple Feedback Filters Bandpass Chebychev Multiple Feedback Filters Filter Selection Wizard Spice Listing View Radian Phase View Copy Spice Listing to Clipboard Copy Circuit to clipboard Copy Response Chart to Clipboard Save Response as JPEG Save/Open Projects ----------------------------------------------------------------- How to Contact Microchip ----------------------------------------------------------------- Online Support --------------- Microchip provides online support on the Microchip World Wide Web (WWW) site. The web site is used by Microchip as a means to make files and information easily available to customers. To view the site, you must have access to the Internet and a web browser such as Netscape or Microsoft Explorer. Files are also available for FTP download from our FTP site. Connecting to the Microchip Internet Web Site --------------------------------------------- The Microchip web site is available by using your favorite Internet browser to attach to: http://www.microchip.com The file transfer site is available by using an FTP service to connect to: ftp://ftp.microchip.com The web site and file transfer site provide a variety of services. Users may download files for the latest development tools, data sheets, application notes, User's guides, articles, and sample programs. A variety information specific to the business of Microchip is also available, including listings of Microchip sales offices, distributors and factory representatives. Other data available for consideration is: * Latest Microchip Press Releases * Technical Support Section with Frequently Asked Questions * Design Tips * Device Errata * Job Postings * Microchip Consultant Program Member Listing * Links to other useful web sites related to Microchip Products * Conferences for products, Development Systems, technical information and more * Listing of seminars and events ----------------------------------------------------------------- Installation ----------------------------------------------------------------- To install with the single file executable: Save the executable to a directory on your hard drive. Select Run from the Start menu. Type in the directory and executable file name and click OK. Follow the instructions on the installation program's dialog boxes. To install from a CD: Select Run from the Start menu. Select Setup.exe on the CD. Click OK. Follow the instructions on the installation program's dialog box

FilterLab 2.0.exe


  • 谢谢!非常感谢,完成符合我的要求!
  • 不错,有各种种类的滤波器的设计,很方便
  • 基于运放的滤波器,如果想做LC则不适用。
  • 用了,挺好用的,谢谢楼主了。
  • 谢谢分享,有点难用,不过很好了
  • 感觉这个滤波器还行吧
  • 挺好的东西哈。就是初期使用没有详细中文教程
  • 不是特别好用,跟我想象的不太一样,不能计算无源滤波器
  • 不给力啊,安装不了,可能是win7系统不能用!!!据说软件还是不错的!
  • 是lab 不是pro,可以用,只是界面没有pro的好,但是计算结果还行,最高8阶滤波器设计
  • 这样的软件要鼓励一下!!!!体积小!功能还不错!!!
  • 我没用过其他软件,不敢妄加评论,功能简单,但还是比较容易使用的
  • win7 64位 装不了这个软件
  • 与filter pro相比,好像界面差了一点。不过,也可以使用。鼓励
  • 看了一下,感觉功能还是有限