hibernate ogm

时间:2016-04-16 09:43:31
文件名称:hibernate ogm
更新时间:2016-04-16 09:43:31
hibernate ogm nosql Hibernate Object/Grid Mapper (OGM) aims at providing Java Persistence (JPA) support for NoSQL solutions. It reuses Hibernate Core's engine but persists entities into a NoSQL data store instead of a relational database. It reuses the Java Persistence Query Language (JP-QL) to search their data. That's the grand scheme of things and we will roll out functionalities over time. The short term target is: support for Infinispan (done) support Hibernate Search full-text queries (done) support simple JP-QL queries (restrictions and many-to-one joins) The medium target is: support other key/value stores support other NoSQL families support complex joins and aggregations The project is Open Source, please come and contribute ideas, code, documentation. Make your feature a priority. Check out this page for more information. Hibernate OGM is released under the LGPL open source license.


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