更新时间:2014-12-22 08:31:42
JQuery 开发手册
jQuery是一款免费且开放源代码的JavaScript代码库,由John Resig创建。授权协议为GPL和MIT许可证双协议。 改动内容和功能增强: (New) Added a new animation method, .fadeToggle() (Enh) Calling .data() with no arguments now includes data from HTML5 data- attributes (#7222) (Enh) Moved jQuery.props from support.js to attributes.js (#6897) (Enh) .width() and .height() now report the width and height of hidden elements (#7225) (Bug) stopImmediatePropagation was not being honoured in live/delegate event handlers (#7217) (Bug) Fixed an issue where host and protocol were not compared case-insensitively when determining whether anAJAXrequest was local or remote (#6908) (Bug) Fixed an issue where the “clone” variable was not being declared correctly (#7226) (Bug) Fixed a bug where we only change the ID on nodes that don’t already have an ID for rooted qSA (#7212) (Bug) Changing an HTML5 data attribute after calling .data(‘foo’) no longer causes .data(‘foo’) to also change (#7223) (Bug) Fixed a bug where Opera didn’t give height/width of display: none elements with getComputedStyle but did with currentStyle – fall back to that if it exists added. (Bug) Fixed a bug to ensure accessing computed CSS for elements returns ‘auto’ instead of ” consistently (#7337)