
时间:2014-09-07 16:44:06
更新时间:2014-09-07 16:44:06
mongoose Mongoose is easy to use web server. It also can be used as embedded web server library to provide web interface to applications. Mongoose executable does not depend on any external library or configuration. If it is copied to any directory and launched from there, it starts to serve that directory on port 8080 (so to access files, go to http://localhost:8080). If some additional config is required - for example, different listening port or IP-based access control, then a mongoose.conf file with respective options can be created in the same directory where executable lives. This makes Mongoose perfect for all sorts of demos, quick tests, file sharing, and Web programming.


  • 这不就是github下载下来的吗,我还以为是经过封装出来的。
  • 值得参考,学习一下
  • 很方便实用 只是mongoose并不支持高并发
  • 不错,谢谢了!
  • 很好,可以编译使用,谢谢
  • 可以使用,不错正需要