文件名称:CORBA简单教程(摘自sun microsystem)
更新时间:2012-12-01 10:18:18
分布式应用程序 java corba rmi RCP
一个介绍在java中使用corba的简单教程,来源于sun的官方网站。对于想开发分布式应用程序的朋友,是个不错的入门教程哦~~ 目录结构: Distributed Applications Data are Distributed Computation is Distributed Users are Distributed Fundamental Realities of Distributed Systems Distributed Object Systems What is CORBA? The OMG CORBA Architecture The ORB CORBA as a Standard for Distributed Objects CORBA Services CORBA Products The Stock Application Some Objects in the Stock Application Implementing a CORBA Client CORBA Objects are Described by IDL Interfaces Object References and Requests IDL Type System IDL Type Operations Request Type Checking IDL to Java Binding IDL to Java Compiler Obtaining Object References The Client's Model of Object Creation Exceptions Object Implementations Providing an Implementation Interface versus Implementation Hierarchies Implementation Type Checking Implementing a Server Using the Java 2 ORB Implementing a Server Using VisiBroker 3.x Differences Between Server Implementations Packaging Object Implementations Object Adapters Activation on Demand by the Basic Object Adapter (BOA) Portable Object Adapter (POA) Resources Web Sites Documentation and Specs Books Miscellaneous About The Java 2 ORB idltojava Notes System Properties VisiBroker 3.x VisiBroker Tools Using VisiBroker with Java 2 Portable Stubs and Skeletons Using the BOA with VisiBroker Using the VisiBroker Smart Agent