jQuery UI Cookbook (pdf + ePub)

时间:2016-12-24 05:54:57
文件名称:jQuery UI Cookbook (pdf + ePub)
更新时间:2016-12-24 05:54:57
jquery jQuery UI Cookbook(2013.7) Adam Boduch (pdf + ePub) 出版时间:2013.7 Adam Boduch Packt 内容简介: jQuery UI is the quintessential framework for creating professional user interfaces. While jQuery core lays the foundation for interaction with the DOM and handling events, jQuery UI fills in the user interaction gap. This book will give you a huge productivity boost out of the box with jQuery UI, and help you understand the framework, inside and out. “jQuery UI Cookbook” provides you with practical recipes featuring in-depth coverage of every widget in the framework, including how to address limitations that impact your everyday development activities with these widgets. You’ll get a better idea of the big picture – how the framework is composed, how the widgets relate to one another, and how to build on those patterns. Be it a minor tweak on the visual design of a progress bar or a fundamental change in a widget to meet your needs, “jQuery UI Cookbook” covers scenarios both big and small. You can show reminders as tooltips, apply a variety of effects to the menu widget, and start interactions between the dialog widget and API data using deferred objects. These and many more interesting tasks are covered in this book, which can be done with smooth learning and great understanding. You will see how button widgets can fill the width of their containing element, making the layout more consistent. Tabs can be sorted and moved between widgets. You will learn how to do all these things within the context of the big picture, by finding out why the components work the way they do, making you well-versed in jQuery UI. What you will learn from this book: Benefits and tricks in each jQuery UI widget Build your own widget using the widget factory and the theme framwork Built-in event-handling utilities for inter-widget communication Extend widgets to provide the missing behavior your application needs Extend and improve the design of each widget using the theme framework, overriding defaults such as borders and backgrounds Details about different widget configurations not covered in the jQuery UI documentation Discover the role of each widget in an application and how they collectively contribute to a better user experience Explore coding conventions that work best when writing jQuery UI code Learn about unique perspectives on approaches to widget development – maintainability matters


  • 谢谢,不错,
  • 资料不错,看不太懂
  • Fine. for beginners. pdf easy to read.
  • 高清晰,好资源,推荐下载
  • 很好。值得下载,而且还高清
  • 还可以,有些帮助
  • 高清有书签,值得下载,谢谢!
  • 好东西啊……
  • 正在找这本cookbook,很好的一本书,谢谢楼主的分享,如果免积分就更好了
  • 很好的资料,谢谢楼主
  • 内容不错,epub的电子书上看很方便
  • 不错,而且确实有 PDF 版和 EPUB 版 !
  • 很好的资料,谢谢楼主
  • 很好的资料
  • 非常好的资源,书还提供了两种格式:pdf+epub.
  • 不错的书,蛮灵活的运用jquery ui,可惜英文看起来比较吃力
  • 很高清的书值得一看
  • 一个很不错的英文版的Jquery UI的资料,谢谢楼主的分享!
  • 英文文档,挺好的
  • 赞一个,很好的资源
  • 不错很好的资料,谢谢楼主
  • 不错,而且确实有 PDF 版和 EPUB 版 !
  • 很好,要是中文的就更好了
  • 不错的资料
  • 不错,很好的资料。
  • 是完整版,而且是13年的资料,很新
  • 很清楚,正在学jQ UI,感谢分享!
  • 全,清晰,英文版。
  • 不错,很详细!
  • 全,清晰,英文版。