Classic Shell Scripting

时间:2021-09-19 03:33:20
文件名称:Classic Shell Scripting
更新时间:2021-09-19 03:33:20
Linux Shell Shell 编程 Unix Classic Shell Scripting, 高清英文原版 Shell scripting skills never go out of style: they're the key to unlocking the real potential of Unix. Shell scripting is essential for Unix users and system administrators; shell scripts let you quickly harness and customize the full power of any Unix system. With shell scripts, you can combine the fundamental Unix text and file processing commands to crunch data and automate repetitive tasks. Once you master shell scripting, your skills will stand you in good stead for years to come. Writing shell scripts requires more than just a knowledge of the shell language. It also requires familiarity with the individual Unix programs: you need to know why each program is there and how to use it by itself or in combination with other programs. This book will teach you these facts about the major Unix tools. In addition, Classic Shell Scripting helps you navigate the tricky waters of the variations in Unix commands and standards.
