Training Deeper Models by GPU Memory Optimization on TensorFlow

时间:2023-01-30 08:13:44
文件名称:Training Deeper Models by GPU Memory Optimization on TensorFlow
更新时间:2023-01-30 08:13:44
深度学习  人脸识别 With the advent of big data, easy-to-get GPGPU and progresses in neural network modeling techniques, training deep learning model on GPU becomes a popular choice. However, due to the inherent complexity of deep learning models and the limited memory resources on modern GPUs, training deep models is still a nontrivial task, especially when the model size is too big for a single GPU. In this paper, we propose a general dataflow-graph based GPU memory optimization strategy, i.e.,“swap-out/in”, to utilize host memory as a bigger memory pool to overcome the limitation of GPU memory. Meanwhile, to optimize the memory-consuming sequence-to-sequence (Seq2Seq) models, dedicated optimization strategies are also proposed. These strategies are integrated into TensorFlow seamlessly without accuracy loss. In the extensive experiments, significant memory usage reductions are observed. The max training batch size can be increased by 2 to 30 times given a fixed model and system configuration.
