SIGMOD 2009 全部论文(2。后12篇)

时间:2013-04-01 05:08:11

文件名称:SIGMOD 2009 全部论文(2。后12篇)



更新时间:2013-04-01 05:08:11

数据库论文,SIGMOD 2009,会议论文

14 Continuous obstructed nearest neighbor queries in spatial databases Yunjun Gao, Baihua Zheng Jun. 2009 Proceedings of the 35th SIGMOD international conference on Management of data In this paper, we study a novel form of continuous nearest neighbor queries in the presence of obstacles, namely continuous obstructed nearest neighbor (CONN) search. It considers the impact of obstacles on the distance between objects, ... 15 Optimizing complex extraction programs over evolving text data Fei Chen, Byron J. Gao, AnHai Doan, Jun Yang, Raghu Ramakrishnan Jun. 2009 Proceedings of the 35th SIGMOD international conference on Management of data Most information extraction (IE) approaches have considered only static text corpora, over which we apply IE only once. Many real-world text corpora however are dynamic. They evolve over time, and so to keep extracted information up to date we ... 16 Privacy preservation of aggregates in hidden databases: why and how? Arjun Dasgupta, Nan Zhang, Gautam Das, Surajit Chaudhuri Jun. 2009 Proceedings of the 35th SIGMOD international conference on Management of data Many websites provide form-like interfaces which allow users to execute search queries on the underlying hidden databases. In this paper, we explain the importance of protecting sensitive aggregate information of hidden databases from being ... 17 Efficient approximate entity extraction with edit distance constraints Wei Wang, Chuan Xiao, Xuemin Lin, Chengqi Zhang Jun. 2009 Proceedings of the 35th SIGMOD international conference on Management of data Named entity recognition aims at extracting named entities from unstructured text. A recent trend of named entity recognition is finding approximate matches in the text with respect to a large dictionary of known entities, as the domain ... 18 Large-scale uncertainty management systems: learning and exploiting your data Shivnath Babu, Sudipto Guha, Kamesh Munagala Jun. 2009 Proceedings of the 35th SIGMOD international conference on Management of data The database community has made rapid strides in capturing, representing, and querying uncertain data. Probabilistic databases capture the inherent uncertainty in derived tuples as probability estimates. Data acquisition and stream systems can ... 19 Data warehouse technology by infobright Dominik Slezak, Victoria Eastwood Jun. 2009 Proceedings of the 35th SIGMOD international conference on Management of data We discuss Infobright technology with respect to its main features and architectural differentiators. We introduce the upcoming research and development projects that may be of special interest to the academic and industry communities. ... 20 Detecting and resolving unsound workflow views for correct provenance analysis Peng Sun, Ziyang Liu, Susan B. Davidson, Yi Chen Jun. 2009 Proceedings of the 35th SIGMOD international conference on Management of data Workflow views abstract groups of tasks in a workflow into high level composite tasks, in order to reuse sub-workflows and facilitate provenance analysis. However, unless a view is carefully designed, it may not preserve the dataflow ... 21 Indexing correlated probabilistic databases Bhargav Kanagal, Amol Deshpande Jun. 2009 Proceedings of the 35th SIGMOD international conference on Management of data With large amounts of correlated probabilistic data being generated in a wide range of application domains including sensor networks, information extraction, event detection etc., effectively managing and querying them has become an important ... 22 Cross-tier, label-based security enforcement for web applications Brian J. Corcoran, Nikhil Swamy, Michael Hicks Jun. 2009 Proceedings of the 35th SIGMOD international conference on Management of data This paper presents SELinks, a programming language focused on building secure multi-tier web applications. SELinks provides a uniform programming model, in the style of LINQ and Ruby on Rails, with language syntax for accessing objects ... 23 Exploiting context analysis for combining multiple entity resolution systems Zhaoqi Chen, Dmitri V. Kalashnikov, Sharad Mehrotra Jun. 2009 Proceedings of the 35th SIGMOD international conference on Management of data Entity Resolution (ER) is an important real world problem that has attracted significant research interest over the past few years. It deals with determining which object descriptions co-refer in a dataset. Due to its practical significance for ... 24 Kernel-based skyline cardinality estimation Zhenjie Zhang, Yin Yang, Ruichu Cai, Dimitris Papadias, Anthony Tung Jun. 2009 Proceedings of the 35th SIGMOD international conference on Management of data The skyline of a d-dimensional dataset consists of all points not dominated by others. The incorporation of the skyline operator into practical database systems necessitates an efficient and effective cardinality estimation module. ... 25 Scalable skyline computation using object-based space partitioning Shiming Zhang, Nikos Mamoulis, David W. Cheung Jun. 2009 Proceedings of the 35th SIGMOD international conference on Management of data The skyline operator returns from a set of multi-dimensional objects a subset of superior objects that are not dominated by others. This operation is considered very important in multi-objective analysis of large datasets. Although a large ...

Efficient approximate entity extraction with edit distance constraints.pdf
Kernel-based skyline cardinality estimation .pdf
Detecting and resolving unsound workflow views for correct provenance analysis .pdf
Scalable skyline computation using object-based space partitioning .pdf
Cross-tier, label-based security enforcement for web applications.pdf
Optimizing complex extraction programs over evolving text data.pdf
Continuous obstructed nearest neighbor queries in spatial databases .pdf
Exploiting context analysis for combining multiple entity resolution systems .pdf
Indexing correlated probabilistic databases .pdf
Large-scale uncertainty management systems learning and exploiting your data.pdf
Privacy preservation of aggregates in hidden databases why and how.pdf
Data warehouse technology by infobright .pdf


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