
时间:2012-05-30 16:50:08
更新时间:2012-05-30 16:50:08
gesture recognize paper java Software support for making effective pen-based applications is currently rudimentary. To facilitate the creation of such applications, we have developed SATIN, a Java-based toolkit designed to support the creation of applications that leverage the informal nature of pens. This support includes a scenegraph for manipulating and rendering objects; support for zooming and rotating objects, switching between multiple views of an object, integration of pen input with interpreters, libraries for manipulating ink strokes, widgets optimized for pens, and compatibility with Java’s Swing toolkit. SATIN includes a generalized architecture for handling pen input, consisting of recognizers, interpreters, and multi-interpreters. In this paper, we describe the functionality and architecture of SATIN, using two applications built with SATIN as examples.


  • 对于留学的学生,还是有点帮助的!
  • 没有什么参考价值
  • 只是概述,并没有具体的实现。而且也是英文,对于普通人可以忽略