Printing in Plastic _ Build Your Own 3D Printer 3D打印

时间:2015-11-27 06:34:58
文件名称:Printing in Plastic _ Build Your Own 3D Printer 3D打印
更新时间:2015-11-27 06:34:58
3D打印 3D打印机制作教程。 This chapter will tell you. We’re not going to bore you with a lot of techno mumbo-jumbo or a complete machine-by-machine history of how we got here; you can find all that on or another web site. Instead, this chapter will provide a simple (and short) discussion on what this device is, what it does best, how it works (again, in simple terminology), and how to proceed through the following chapters to begin building your own 3D printer.


  • 描述很细致,但是纯英文阅读,太困难了。
  • 纯英文资料,需要基本的英语阅读能力,别外前三分之二内容可以不看,很粗糙的木制件,后面的电子部分接线很详细,是书中唯一有价值的地方
  • 纯粹是感兴趣,但是下载下来就没怎么看过