文件名称:Computer Aided Control Systems Design
更新时间:2017-09-08 21:43:42
Application Using MATLAB and Simulink
This book has been prepared with particular attention to the needs of those who seek a foundation in applied control as well as an ability to bridge the gap between control and its real-world applications. For practicality, the choice and emphasis of material are guided by the basic objective of making an engineer or student capable of dealing with practical control problems in industry. The book is also intended to be a reference course for practicing engineers, undergraduates, students undertaking master’s degrees, and an introductory text for PhD research students who want to acquire knowledge in basic control systems design, analysis, and implementation using MATLABand Simulink. The first part of the book can be used as a textbook for a first course in MATLAB, or a supplementary textbook for courses in which calculations are performed in MATLAB.