文件名称:Abstract State Machines: A Method for High-Level System Design and Analysis
更新时间:2014-03-25 09:28:00
System design, system analysis, 系统设计,
以下内容摘自该书的导言部分:This book introduces a systems engineering method which guides the development of software and embedded hardware{software systems seamlessly from requirements capture to their implementation. It helps the designer to cope with the three stumbling-blocks of building modern software based systems: size, complexity and trustworthiness. The method bridges the gap between the human understanding and formulation of real-world problems and the deployment of their algorithmic solutions by code-executing machines on changing platforms. It covers within a single conceptual framework both design and analysis, for procedural single-agent and for asynchronous multiple-agent distributed systems. The means of analysis comprise as methods to support and justify the reliability of software both verication, by reasoning techniques, and experimental validation, through simulation and testing.